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Centrālās atslēgas

Zīmols: AMIO Kods: 01681
Universāls cilindrs ar reālo vilkšanas jaudu 5 kg, piemērots jebkurai automašīnai. Rotējošā galva atvieglo montāžu, un īpaši pastiprinātā konstrukcija padara to uzticamu.PRODUKTA ĪPAŠĪBAS:Galvenais izpildmehānisms MASTER (5 kabeļi) - signāls no izpildmehānisma izraisa pārējo atvēršanos...
Bez nodokļa:3,31€
Zīmols: AMIO Kods: 01680
Universāli cilindri ar 5 kg reālu vilkmi, kas atbilst jebkurai automašīnai. Grozāma galva ērtai uzstādīšanai un īpaši pastiprināta konstrukcija padara tos uzticamus.  PRODUKTA ĪPAŠĪBAS:  SLAVE (2 kabeļi) durvju slēdzenes izpildmehānisms- atver vienas durvis...
Bez nodokļa:3,72€
Zīmols: AMIO Kods: 01680
Universal cylinders of 5 kg real pull which match any car. Swivel head for easy installation and specially reinforced construction makes them reliable.  PRODUCT FEATURES:  SLAVE (2 cables) door lock actuator- opens a single door...
Bez nodokļa:4,03€
Zīmols: AMIO Kods: 01681
Universal cylinders of 5 kg real pull which match any car. Swivel head for easy installation and specially reinforced construction makes them reliable. PRODUCT FEATURES: MASTER (5 cables) door lock actuator - signal from the actuator to open the other...
Bez nodokļa:4,32€
Zīmols: AMIO Kods: 03143
UNIVERSAL 4-CHANNEL SELF-LEARNING, SELF-COPYING REMOTE CONTROL WITH 433.92 MHZ FIXED CODE. INCLUDED:-Universal 4-channel remote control-Colour: black and red-Hanging key holder PRACTICAL AND CONVENIENTThis remote control is ideal for people who have one working remote control and want to get a secon..
Bez nodokļa:4,80€
Zīmols: AMIO Kods: 01685
Universal cylinders of 5 kg real pull which match any car. Swivel head for easy installation and specially reinforced construction makes them reliable. PRODUCT FEATURES:Actuator of central unit MASTER (5 cables) - signal from the actuator to open the other.Actuator of central unit SLAVE (2 cables) -..
Bez nodokļa:14,71€
Zīmols: AMIO Kods: 01679
Keyless entry system with changing-code transmission that ensures high safety. Encrypted transmission prevents unauthorized person to scan the code and having another remote control cut or a duplicate remote control. The system is equipped with relay outputs configuration that is selected by the ins..
Bez nodokļa:16,24€
Zīmols: AMIO Kods: 01685
Universālie cilindri ar 5 kg reālu vilkmi, kas atbilst jebkurai automašīnai. Grozāmā galva ērtai uzstādīšanai un īpaši pastiprināta konstrukcija padara tos uzticamus.PRODUKTA ĪPAŠĪBAS:Centrālā bloka MASTER izpildmehānisms (5 kabeļi) - signāls no izpildmehānisma, lai atvērtu otru.Centrālā bloka SLAVE..
Bez nodokļa:16,45€
Zīmols: AMIO Kods: 01679
Bezatslēgas ievades sistēma ar koda maiņas pārraidi, kas nodrošina augstu drošību. Šifrēta pārraide neļauj nepiederošai personai skenēt kodu un iegūt vēl vienu tālvadības pults griezumu vai tālvadības pults dublikātu. Sistēma ir aprīkota ar releja izejas konfigurāciju, kuru izvēlas uzstādītājs (svar..
Bez nodokļa:17,11€
Zīmols: AMIO Kods: 01683
Universal kit of radio control central locking and door lock actuators about the real pull 5 kg. Kit that matches any car. Controller enables controlling central lock by remote controls and it extends the functionality of the entire kit by these features: KIT FEATURES: Arm / disarm / silent arming /..
Bez nodokļa:28,93€
Zīmols: AMIO Kods: 04344
Introducing the innovative central locking controller with keyless entry, which takes everyday vehicle use to a whole new level of convenience. Equipped with two ergonomic PKE (Passive Keyless Entry) remote controls, the system allows you to effortlessly open and close your car without the need for ..
Bez nodokļa:29,11€
Zīmols: AMIO Kods: 01683
Universal kit of radio control central locking and door lock actuators about the real pull 5 kg. Kit that matches any car. Controller enables controlling central lock by remote controls and it extends the functionality of the entire kit by these features: KIT FEATURES: Arm / disarm / silent arming /..
Bez nodokļa:29,11€
Rāda no 1 līdz 12 kopā 12 (Kopā lapu - 1)
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