Alogy silikona futrālis ar aizsargplēviProdukta apraksts + galvenās funkcijasAlogy silikona maciņš priekš Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite/Redmi WatchAlogy silikona apvalks ir lieliski izstrādāts Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite/Redmi Watch .Korpuss ir izgatavots no augstas kvalitātes elastīga poliuretāna, k..
Augstas kvalitātes aproce priekš Xiaomi Mi BandRegulējams stiprinājums, lai piestiprinātu lenti pie plaukstas locītavasPatīkami pieskartiesĀdai draudzīgsŪdens un sviedru izturīgs..
SpecifikācijasRažotājs: AlogyModelis: neilona siksnaParedzēts: pulksteņiem ar siksnām, kas piestiprinātas pie 20 mm teleskopiskām tapāmMateriāls: elastīgs neilonsRegulēšana: bīdāmā sprādze regulējama atbilstoši jūsu individuālajām vajadzībāmMaksimālais siksnas garums: 216 mm (/-2 mm)Minimālais siksn..
SpecifikācijasRažotājs: AlogyModelis: neilona siksnaParedzēts: pulksteņiem ar siksnām, kas piestiprinātas pie 20 mm teleskopiskām tapāmMateriāls: elastīgs neilonsRegulēšana: bīdāmā sprādze regulējama atbilstoši jūsu individuālajām vajadzībāmMaksimālais siksnas garums: 216 mm (/-2 mm)Minimālais siksn..
Acrylic Full Glue - ir elastīgs aizsargpārklājums, kas ideāli piemērots viedpulksteņa displejam. Melnais rāmis ir profilēts, lai vēl labāk atbilstu nedaudz noapaļotajām displeja malām. Akrila pilna līme ir ļoti izturīga pret jebkādiem bojājumiem un nodrošina efektīvu aizsardzību. Tas nemaina skārien..
Augsta kvalitāte un precizitāteAlogy WATCH+ rūdīta stikla ekrāna aizsargs ir īpaši izturīga jūsu ierīces ekrāna aizsardzība!Stikla ražošanā izmantotie augstas kvalitātes materiāli absorbē trieciena enerģiju un izkliedē to pa visu virsmu. Šis risinājums ļaus saplīst pašam stiklam, nevis jūsu displeja..
2x Alogy Watch+ rūdīts stiklsProdukta apraksts + galvenās funkcijas Galvenās produkta īpašības:Kad: AloģijaSaderība: Garmin Fenix 7XStikla izmēri (+/- 2mm): platums - 40 mm, augstums - 40 mmStikla biezums: 0.26mm ~ 0.3mmPārklājumi: oleofobiski un hidrofobiVirsmas ciet..
Savietojams ar: Apple WatchDispleja izmērs: 42 / 44 / 45 mmSilikona siksniņa-aproce pulkstenim:Krāsaina silikona aproce priekš Apple Watch. Viegli uzstādāma, tas nozīmē, ka jebkurā laikā varat to nomainīt pret citu.
Efektīvs papildinājums: Turētāis ir izgatavots no mīkstas plastmasas. Elastīga un i..
Kristāldzidrs rūdīts stikls, kas lieliski atspoguļo attēlotās krāsas un neietekmē skārienjutību. Tas ir izgatavots no viegla un slīpēta stikla, kura biezums ir 0,26 mm. Tam ir virsmas cietība (pretestības līmenis) 9H, tāpēc tas ir īpaši izturīgs pret skrāpējumiem pat saskaroties ar asiem priekšmetie..
Alogy mīksta pulksteņa gumijas siksniņa priekš Honor Band 4/5Honor Band 4 un Honor Band 5 veltītā sporta siksna Alogy ir produkts, kas, pateicoties krāsainajai, intensīvajai krāsai un stilīgajam rakstam, piešķirs ierīcei pilnīgi jaunu, svaigu raksturu. Jostai ir tipiski sportisks raksturs, taču tai ..
Alogy mīksta pulksteņa gumijas siksniņa priekš Honor Band 4/5Honor Band 4 un Honor Band 5 veltītā sporta siksna Alogy ir produkts, kas, pateicoties krāsainajai, intensīvajai krāsai un stilīgajam rakstam, piešķirs ierīcei pilnīgi jaunu, svaigu raksturu. Jostai ir tipiski sportisks raksturs, taču tai ..
Augstas kvalitātes aproce priekš Xiaomi Mi BandRegulējams stiprinājums, lai piestiprinātu lenti pie plaukstas locītavasPatīkami pieskartiesĀdai draudzīgsŪdens un sviedru izturīgs..
Savietojams ar: Samsung Galaxy WatchSiksniņas platums: 22 mmSilikona siksniņa-aproce pulkstenim:Krāsaina silikona aproce priekš Samsung Galaxy Watch. Viegli uzstādāma, tas nozīmē, ka jebkurā laikā varat to nomainīt pret citu.Efektīvs papildinājums: Turētāis ir izgatavots no mīkstas plastmasas. Elast..
Alogy case for Apple Watch
Product description + key features
Alogy 2in1 case overlay + glass for Apple Watch 7 45mm
The case with a built-in protective glass from the Alogy brand is made of high-quality hard polycarbonate (PC), which ensures the safety of our device, pr..
Alogy Hydrogel Film
Product description + key features
3x Alogy Hydrogel Screen Protector for Huawei Watch GT 2 42mm
Alogy 3D protective film with hydrogel coating is the highest quality product that has been precisely matched to the entire display of the Huawei Watch GT 2 42m..
Vai elastīgs var nozīmēt labāk?Nelielais, tikai 0,28 mm biezums un pilna ekrāna pārklājums padara Hofi hibrīda stiklu gandrīz neredzamu.Cietība 7H līmenī iegūta pateicoties uzklātajiem keramikas pārklājumiem.Šīs ir stikla un folijas hibrīda īpašības, kas nozīmē ne tikai augstu izturību pret spiedien..
Alogy tempered glass
Product description most important features
2x Alogy 9H tempered glass for Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 40mm
Tempered glass adapted to the flat part of the screenSamsung Galaxy Watch 4 40mm guarantees the highest quality protection of the device's screen. Provid..
The soft, breathable Apple Watch strap is designed for anyone who is looking for a strap that is also a decorative bracelet that matches the boho or hippie style. The Textile Collection is distinguished by exceptional flexibility and comfort - the skin breathes and we do not feel any discomfort.For ..
The soft, breathable Apple Watch strap is designed for anyone who is looking for a strap that is also a decorative bracelet that matches the boho or hippie style. The Textile Collection is distinguished by exceptional flexibility and comfort - the skin breathes and we do not feel any discomfort.For ..
The soft, breathable Apple Watch strap is designed for anyone who is looking for a strap that is also a decorative bracelet that matches the boho or hippie style. The Textile Collection is distinguished by exceptional flexibility and comfort - the skin breathes and we do not feel any discomfort.For ..
The soft, breathable Apple Watch strap is designed for anyone who is looking for a strap that is also a decorative bracelet that matches the boho or hippie style. The Textile Collection is distinguished by exceptional flexibility and comfort - the skin breathes and we do not feel any discomfort.For ..
The soft, breathable Apple Watch strap is designed for anyone who is looking for a strap that is also a decorative bracelet that matches the boho or hippie style. The Textile Collection is distinguished by exceptional flexibility and comfort - the skin breathes and we do not feel any discomfort.For ..
The soft, breathable Apple Watch strap is designed for anyone who is looking for a strap that is also a decorative bracelet that matches the boho or hippie style. The Textile Collection is distinguished by exceptional flexibility and comfort - the skin breathes and we do not feel any discomfort.For ..
The soft, breathable Apple Watch strap is designed for anyone who is looking for a strap that is also a decorative bracelet that matches the boho or hippie style. The Textile Collection is distinguished by exceptional flexibility and comfort - the skin breathes and we do not feel any discomfort.For ..
The Laut Active strap will help you personalize your Apple Watch and give it an elegant and original look. The strap is very easy to install, does not require any tools and has a universal size with the possibility of adjustment...
Alogy Sport Strap Product
Description + Key Features
Alogy Silicone Sport Band for Apple Watch 38/40/41mm
The Alogy sports strap dedicated to the Apple Watch 38/40/41mm is a product that, thanks to its colorful, intense color, will give the device a completely new, fresh chara..
Savietojams ar: Samsung Galaxy WatchSiksniņas platums: 20mmSilikona siksniņa-aproce pulkstenim:Krāsaina silikona aproce priekš Apple Watch. Viegli uzstādāma, tas nozīmē, ka jebkurā laikā varat to nomainīt pret citu.
Efektīvs papildinājums: Turētāis ir izgatavots no mīkstas plastmasas. Elastīga un i..
Savietojams ar: Samsung Galaxy WatchSiksniņas platums: 20mmSilikona siksniņa-aproce pulkstenim:Krāsaina silikona aproce priekš Apple Watch. Viegli uzstādāma, tas nozīmē, ka jebkurā laikā varat to nomainīt pret citu.
Efektīvs papildinājums: Turētāis ir izgatavots no mīkstas plastmasas. Elastīga un i..
Savietojams ar: Samsung Galaxy WatchSiksniņas platums: 20mmSilikona siksniņa-aproce pulkstenim:Krāsaina silikona aproce priekš Apple Watch. Viegli uzstādāma, tas nozīmē, ka jebkurā laikā varat to nomainīt pret citu.
Efektīvs papildinājums: Turētāis ir izgatavots no mīkstas plastmasas. Elastīga un i..
Savietojams ar: Samsung Galaxy WatchSiksniņas platums: 20mmSilikona siksniņa-aproce pulkstenim:Krāsaina silikona aproce priekš Apple Watch. Viegli uzstādāma, tas nozīmē, ka jebkurā laikā varat to nomainīt pret citu.
Efektīvs papildinājums: Turētāis ir izgatavots no mīkstas plastmasas. Elastīga un i..
Savietojams ar: Samsung Galaxy WatchSiksniņas platums: 22 mmSilikona siksniņa-aproce pulkstenim:Krāsaina silikona aproce priekš Samsung Galaxy Watch. Viegli uzstādāma, tas nozīmē, ka jebkurā laikā varat to nomainīt pret citu.Efektīvs papildinājums: Turētāis ir izgatavots no mīkstas plastmasas. Elast..
Savietojams ar: Samsung Galaxy WatchSiksniņas platums: 22 mmSilikona siksniņa-aproce pulkstenim:Krāsaina silikona aproce priekš Samsung Galaxy Watch. Viegli uzstādāma, tas nozīmē, ka jebkurā laikā varat to nomainīt pret citu.Efektīvs papildinājums: Turētāis ir izgatavots no mīkstas plastmasas. Elast..
Savietojams ar: Samsung Galaxy WatchSiksniņas platums: 22 mmSilikona siksniņa-aproce pulkstenim:Krāsaina silikona aproce priekš Samsung Galaxy Watch. Viegli uzstādāma, tas nozīmē, ka jebkurā laikā varat to nomainīt pret citu.Efektīvs papildinājums: Turētāis ir izgatavots no mīkstas plastmasas. Elast..
Rūdīts stikls iPhone13 Pro Max/14 Plus Baseus OS Diamond Series HD (caurspīdīgs)Vai vēlaties pareizi aizsargāt savu tālruni? Iepazīstieties ar Baseus rūdīto stiklu — ideālu aizsardzību jūsu viedtālrunim. Īpaši plāns, bet ārkārtīgi izturīgs, tas nodrošina lielisku aizsardzību, vienlaikus saglabājot p..
Alogy tempered glass
Product description + key features
2x Alogy 9H Tempered Glass for Huawei Watch GT 3 46mm
Tempered glass matched to the flat part of the Huawei Watch GT 3 46mm screen is a guarantee of the highest quality protection of the screen of the device. It provides..
Alogy Tempered Glass
Product description + key features
2x Alogy Tempered Glass Screen Protector for Xiaomi Mi Watch S1 Global
The Alogy 9H tempered glass for Xiaomi Mi Watch S1 Global is made of a special durable material that wi..
Beline brand belt. Made of the highest quality materials ensuring durability and comfort of use.Comfortable to use, made of pleasant to the touch and durable material.Compatibility :Strap width 20mmSamsung Galaxy Watch 42 mm, Samsung Galaxy Active 42 mm, Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 41 mmHuawei Watch GT 2..
Tech-Protect Iconband rubber strap made with attention to detail from TPU material with an extremely pleasant finish.The product is fully functional and can be adjusted according to individual needs.The manufacturer took care of the details and prepared a top-class product.PRODUCT FEATURES:- 100 Ori..
Tech-Protect Iconband rubber strap made with attention to detail from TPU material with an extremely pleasant finish.The product is fully functional and can be adjusted according to individual needs.The manufacturer took care of the details and prepared a top-class product.PRODUCT FEATURES:- 100 Ori..
Tech-Protect Iconband rubber strap made with attention to detail from TPU material with an extremely pleasant finish.The product is fully functional and can be adjusted according to individual needs.The manufacturer took care of the details and prepared a top-class product.PRODUCT FEATURES:- 100 Ori..
Tech-Protect Iconband rubber strap made with attention to detail from TPU material with an extremely pleasant finish.The product is fully functional and can be adjusted according to individual needs.The manufacturer took care of the details and prepared a top-class product.PRODUCT FEATURES:- 100 Ori..
Tech-Protect Iconband rubber strap made with attention to detail from TPU material with an extremely pleasant finish.The product is fully functional and can be adjusted according to individual needs.The manufacturer took care of the details and prepared a top-class product.PRODUCT FEATURES:- 100 Ori..
Tech-Protect Iconband rubber strap made with attention to detail from TPU material with an extremely pleasant finish.The product is fully functional and can be adjusted according to individual needs.The manufacturer took care of the details and prepared a top-class product.PRODUCT FEATURES:- 100 Ori..
Tech-Protect Iconband rubber strap made with attention to detail from TPU material with an extremely pleasant finish.The product is fully functional and can be adjusted according to individual needs.The manufacturer took care of the details and prepared a top-class product.PRODUCT FEATURES:- 100 Ori..
Loop strap for Xiaomi
Product description + key features
Loop features of Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 5/6/6 NFC
The Loop strap from Tech-Protect made of slightly flexible and very durable nylon is a product dedicated to Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 5/6/6 NFC watches.
The strap is elegant and..
Alogy Soft Strap
Product description + key features
Sports rubber strap Alogy strap for Samsung Galaxy Fit 2 SM-R220
The Alogy Soft Strap series is a perfect fit for the Samsung Galaxy Fit 2 . It is a high-quality product that fits perfectly to the wrist, ens..
Alogy tempered glass
Product description most important features
2x Alogy 9H tempered glass for Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 40mm
Tempered glass adapted to the flat part of the screenSamsung Galaxy Watch 4 40mm guarantees the highest quality protection of the device's screen. Provid..
Alogy tempered glass
Product description most important features
2x Alogy 9H tempered glass for Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 40mm
Tempered glass adapted to the flat part of the screenSamsung Galaxy Watch 4 40mm guarantees the highest quality protection of the device's screen. Provid..
Baseus NanoCrystal 44 mm ekrāna plēve Apple Watch 4/5/6/SE/SE 2, skaidra
Mūsdienīgā NanoCrystal plēve ļaus aizsargāt Apple sērijas 4/5/6/SE/SE 2 viedpulksteņa ekrānu. Produkts ir izveidots, izmantojot progresīvas tehnoloģijas, ir ļoti caurspīdīgs, pilnībā nosedz ekrānu, ieskaitot ekrāna smalkās mala..
A slim and lightweight case with built-in glass designed to fit perfectly around the Galaxy Watch.Defense360 from Tech-Protect is the stylish way to fully protect your Watch.Integrated tempered glass does not affect touch sensitivity or image quality.During installation, degrease the screen surfaces..
A slim and lightweight case with built-in glass designed to fit perfectly around the Galaxy Watch.Defense360 from Tech-Protect is the stylish way to fully protect your Watch.Integrated tempered glass does not affect touch sensitivity or image quality.During installation, degrease the screen surfaces..
A slim and lightweight case with built-in glass designed to fit perfectly around the Galaxy Watch.Defense360 from Tech-Protect is the stylish way to fully protect your Watch.Integrated tempered glass does not affect touch sensitivity or image quality.During installation, degrease the screen surfaces..
A slim and lightweight case with built-in glass designed to fit perfectly around the Galaxy Watch.Defense360 from Tech-Protect is the stylish way to fully protect your Watch.Integrated tempered glass does not affect touch sensitivity or image quality.During installation, degrease the screen surfaces..
A slim and lightweight case with built-in glass designed to fit perfectly around the Galaxy Watch.Defense360 from Tech-Protect is the stylish way to fully protect your Watch.Integrated tempered glass does not affect touch sensitivity or image quality.During installation, degrease the screen surfaces..
A slim and lightweight case with built-in glass designed to fit perfectly around the Galaxy Watch.Defense360 from Tech-Protect is the stylish way to fully protect your Watch.Integrated tempered glass does not affect touch sensitivity or image quality.During installation, degrease the screen surfaces..
A slim and lightweight case with built-in glass designed to fit your Galaxy Watch perfectly.Defense360 from Tech-Protect is a stylish way to fully protect your Watch.The integrated tempered glass does not affect the touch sensitivity or the quality of the displayed image.During installation, degreas..
A slim and lightweight case with built-in glass designed to fit your Galaxy Watch perfectly.Defense360 from Tech-Protect is a stylish way to fully protect your Watch.The integrated tempered glass does not affect the touch sensitivity or the quality of the displayed image.During installation, degreas..
Can flexible mean better?The small thickness of only 0.28mm and full screen coverage makes Hofi hybrid glass almost invisible.Hardness at the level of 7H obtained thanks to the applied ceramic coatings.These are the features of a hybrid of glass and foil, which means not only high resistance to pres..
Can flexible mean better?The small thickness of only 0.28mm and full screen coverage makes the Hofi hybrid glass almost invisible.Hardness at the level of 7H obtained thanks to the applied ceramic coatings.These are the features of a hybrid of glass and foil, which means not only high resistance to ..
Alogy tempered glass
Product description most important features
2x Alogy 9H tempered glass for Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 40mm
Tempered glass adapted to the flat part of the screenSamsung Galaxy Watch 4 40mm guarantees the highest quality protection of the device's screen. Provid..
Hofi Hydroflex Pro is a crystal clear foil that will take care of the aesthetic appearance of your device's screen.The foil is made of durable EPU material, thanks to which it self-regenerates minor scratches and damage within 24 hours!The clear and uniform structure perfectly reproduces colours and..
Hofi Hydroflex Pro is a crystal clear foil that will take care of the aesthetic appearance of your device's screen.The foil is made of durable EPU material, thanks to which it self-regenerates minor scratches and damage within 24 hours!The clear and uniform structure perfectly reproduces colours and..
Crystal clear tempered glass that perfectly reflects the displayed colors and does not affect touch sensitivity. It is made of light and milled glass with a thickness of 0.26 mm. It has a surface hardness (resistance level) of 9H, which is why it is extremely resistant to scratches even when in cont..
Crystal clear tempered glass that perfectly reflects the displayed colors and does not affect the touch sensitivity. It is made of light and milled glass with a thickness of 0.26 mm. It has a surface hardness (resistance level) of 9H, which is why it is extremely resistant to scratches even when in ..
Crystal clear tempered glass that perfectly reflects the displayed colors and does not affect the touch sensitivity. It is made of light and milled glass with a thickness of 0.26 mm. It has a surface hardness (resistance level) of 9H, which is why it is extremely resistant to scratches even when in ..
Crystal clear tempered glass that perfectly reflects the displayed colors and does not affect the touch sensitivity. It is made of light and milled glass with a thickness of 0.26 mm. It has a surface hardness (resistance level) of 9H, which is why it is extremely resistant to scratches even when in ..
Crystal clear tempered glass that perfectly reflects the displayed colors and does not affect the touch sensitivity. It is made of light and milled glass with a thickness of 0.26 mm. It has a surface hardness (resistance level) of 9H, which is why it is extremely resistant to scratches even when in ..
Crystal clear tempered glass that perfectly reflects the displayed colors and does not affect the touch sensitivity. It is made of light and milled glass with a thickness of 0.26 mm. It has a surface hardness (resistance level) of 9H, which is why it is extremely resistant to scratches even when in ..
Crystal clear tempered glass that perfectly reflects the displayed colors and does not affect the touch sensitivity. It is made of light and milled glass with a thickness of 0.26 mm. It has a surface hardness (resistance level) of 9H, which is why it is extremely resistant to scratches even when in ..
Can flexible mean better?The small thickness of only 0.28mm and full screen coverage makes Hofi hybrid glass almost invisible.Hardness at the level of 7H obtained thanks to the applied ceramic coatings.These are the features of a hybrid of glass and foil, which means not only high resistance to pres..
Can flexible mean better?The small thickness of only 0.28mm and full screen coverage makes the Hofi hybrid glass almost invisible.Hardness at the level of 7H obtained thanks to the applied ceramic coatings.These are the features of a hybrid of glass and foil, which means not only high resistance to ..
Can flexible mean better?The small thickness of only 0.28mm and full screen coverage makes the Hofi hybrid glass almost invisible.Hardness at the level of 7H obtained thanks to the applied ceramic coatings.These are the features of a hybrid of glass and foil, which means not only high resistance to ..
Can flexible mean better?The small thickness of only 0.28mm and full screen coverage make the Hofi Hybrid Pro hybrid glass almost invisible.Hardness of 7H achieved thanks to the ceramic coatings used.These are the features of a glass and foil hybrid, which means not only high resistance to pressure ..
Can flexible mean better?The small thickness of only 0.28mm and full screen coverage make the Hofi Hybrid Pro hybrid glass almost invisible.Hardness of 7H achieved thanks to the ceramic coatings used.These are the features of a glass and foil hybrid, which means not only high resistance to pressure ..
Can flexible mean better?
Small thickness, because only 0.3mm and full screen coverage, which makes the glass almost invisible.Hardness at the level of 7H obtained thanks to the applied ceramic coatings.These are the features of a hybrid of glass and foil, which means not only high resistance to pre..
Can flexible mean better?
The small thickness of only 0.28mm and full screen coverage makes the Hofi hybrid glass almost invisible.
Hardness at the level of 7H obtained thanks to the applied ceramic coatings. These are the features of a hybrid of glass and foil, which means not only high resistance ..
Can flexible mean better?The small thickness of only 0.28mm and full screen coverage makes Hofi hybrid glass almost invisible.Hardness at the level of 7H obtained thanks to the applied ceramic coatings.These are the features of a hybrid of glass and foil, which means not only high resistance to pres..
Crystal clear tempered glass that perfectly reflects the displayed colors and does not affect the touch sensitivity. It is made of light and milled glass with a thickness of 0.26 mm. It has a surface hardness (resistance level) of 9H, which is why it is extremely resistant to scratches even when in ..
Crystal clear tempered glass that perfectly reflects the displayed colors and does not affect the touch sensitivity. It is made of light and milled glass with a thickness of 0.26 mm. It has a surface hardness (resistance level) of 9H, which is why it is extremely resistant to scratches even when in ..
Crystal clear tempered glass that perfectly reflects the displayed colors and does not affect the touch sensitivity. It is made of light and milled glass with a thickness of 0.26 mm. It has a surface hardness (resistance level) of 9H, which is why it is extremely resistant to scratches even when in ..
Crystal clear tempered glass that perfectly reflects the displayed colors and does not affect the touch sensitivity. It is made of light and milled glass with a thickness of 0.26 mm. It has a surface hardness (resistance level) of 9H, which is why it is extremely resistant to scratches even when in ..
Rubber Alogy soft band universal sports strap for 22mm smartwatch
The Alogy sports strap is dedicated to all smartwatches that have straps attached to 22mm telescopic pins. It is a product that, thanks to its colorful, intense color, will give the device a completely new, fresh character. The belt ..
Baseus NanoCrystal 40 mm ekrāna plēve Apple Watch 4/5/6/SE/SE 2 caurspīdīga
Mūsdienīgā NanoCrystal plēve ļaus aizsargāt Apple sērijas 4/5/6/SE/SE 2 viedpulksteņa ekrānu. Produkts ir izveidots, izmantojot progresīvas tehnoloģijas, ir ļoti caurspīdīgs, pilnībā nosedz ekrānu, ieskaitot ekrāna smalkās m..
Alogy case for Apple Watch
Product description + key features
Alogy 2in1 case overlay + glass for Apple Watch 7 41mm
The case with a built-in protective glass from the Alogy brand is made of high-quality hard polycarbonate (PC), which ensures the safety of our device, pr..
Baseus NanoCrystal 41mm ekrāna plēve Apple Watch 7/8, Clear
Mūsdienīgā NanoCrystal plēve ļaus jums aizsargāt jūsu AP viedpulksteņa 7/8 sērijas ekrānu. Produkts izveidots, izmantojot progresīvas tehnoloģijas, ir ļoti caurspīdīgs, pilnībā nosedz ekrānu, ieskaitot ekrāna smalkās malas, un nevainojami a..
Flexible and solid band with a case for Apple Watch 2/3/4/5/6/SE 42/44, with variable shade. Made of skin-friendly material, the strap is adjustable and finished with rounded edges, which increases the comfort of use. The perfectly fitted case is a cover for the watch, and additionally - it is a coh..
Šī tīmekļa vietne izmanto sīkfailus Mēs izmantojam sīkfailus, lai personalizētu saturu un reklāmas, nodrošinātu sociālo saziņas līdzekļu funkcijas un analizētu mūsu datplūsmu. Informāciju par to, kā jūs izmantojat mūsu vietni, mēs arī kopīgojam ar saviem sociālās saziņas līdzekļu, reklamēšanas